Principal investigator
Marek SlovákI’m a scientist focused on phylogeny, molecular evolution, diversification, biogeography, and systematics of vascular plants, lichens, and fungi. At the Charles University, besides scientific activities, I’m involved also in the education process by teaching the evolution and systematics of vascular plants and selected lessons from biosystematics. My carrier is tingly interlinked with the Institute of Botany of Plants Sciences and Biodiversity Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovak Republic where I studied my Ph.D. and has been employed as the scientist to date. The studied plant model groups include genera Cyanus, Jacobea, Picris, Symphyotrichum (Asteraceae); Stellaria (Caryophyleceae); Cyclamen and Soldanella (Primulaceae); and Viola (Violacea). Currently, I started to investigate the evolution and biogeography of diploid members of the genus Cardamine from Western Asia. Within mycology and lichenology I have collaborated on biosystematic studies of saxicolous lichens from the genus Solenopsora, non-lichenised biotrophic parasites from the genus Taphrina and European species of the genus Russula. From the biogeographic point of view, I’m specialized in the plant diversity in central Europe, specifically those from the Carpatho-Pannonian region. I’m also interested in the evolutionary history and biogeography of the Mediterranean biota. Since 2006 till present, I have been involved in ex situ conservation of vascular plants of the Western Carpathians – seed collection and seed banking within the international multilateral Millennium Seed Bank Project lead by Royal Botanical Gardens KEW. Currently, together with Dr. Jaromír Kučera from PSBC SAS I’m a coordinator of the international multilateral project ‘Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian region’ belonging under the worldwide plant seed conservation initiative of the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership (MSBP) run by the Royal Botanical gardens, KEW (UK). If you are interested in more information about my work and publications see also: URL: If you are interested in our research group, scientific and pedagogical activities, please do not hesitate to contact me: slovakm |
Zuzana GajdošováI’ am a master student of Ecology and Protection of Ecosystems (Faculty of Natural Science, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. During the academic year of 2018/2019, I studied two semesters study periods within the Erasmus+ program in the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. I’m interested in botany of vascular plants with special focus on stenoendemic species, Daphne arbuscula (Thymeleaceae) from the Muránska Planina Mts. in Western Carpathians. Bachelor thesis: Reproduction of the West Carpathian stenoendemic species Daphne arbuscula Čelak. (Thymelaeaceae). Diploma thesis: Reproduction, genetic and karyological variability of Daphne arbuscula Čelak. (Thymelaeaceae). |
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Adam KantorMy university studies of botany began in 2013 at Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech republic), where I also finished my bachelor and master degree. In team of doc. Bohumil Trávníček, I investigated morphological and cytotype variability of Dactylorhiza in Central Europe, with emphasis on D. incarnata and its hybrids. In 2019 I started my doctoral (PhD) program at the Commenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia), specifically at the Institute of Botany SAS (Plant Science and Biodiversity Center), where the topic of my thesis is ‘Evolution and biogeography of members of the genus Cardamine L. from the Caucasus and Irano-Anatolian region‘. Regarding biology, I am mainly interested in plant evolution and systematics, involving the morphometric, karyological and molecular-genetic methods currently used in this field. My side interest is also floristics and distribution of plant taxa in the Czech republic, Slovakia and adjacent areas. Aside from biology, I am a member of Scouting Slovakia since 2004, where I participate in the organization of activities and summer camps. Also, I am interested in films, especially of the european distribution, and I like to watch them and discuss them. |
Anna BérešováI’m interested in systematics, diversity, and ecology of lichens – symbiotic organisms with especial focuses on the non-model group with a strong affinity to Mediterranean-like ecosystems represented by the genus Solenopsora in current understanding. The topics include phylogeny, phylogeography, extra-Mediterranean refugia, vicarism, ecological niche differentiation, species co-existence, and distribution patterns. I’m also involved in lichen-monitoring studies in cooperation with colleagues from Italy (Stefano Loppi, Luca Paoli). I’m an external teacher in Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences and the curator of cryptogams of the herbarium SAV (2000-2014). |
Eliška Gbúrová ŠtubňováI’m a botanist focused on plant systematics and evolution of vascular plants especially from the genus Soldanella L. Currently, I’m the curator of the collection of vascular plants of the department of the botany of the Slovak National Museum since 2018. I completed my Ph.D. study in 2017 at the Plant Biology and Diversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. The topic of my Ph.D. work focused on the evolutionary, ecological and systematic aspects in the genus Soldanella (Primulaceae). I’m also involved in ex situ conservation of the Carpathian flora within the project ‘Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian region’ belonging under the worldwide plant seed conservation initiative of the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership (MSBP) run by the Royal Botanical gardens, KEW (UK). In 2018 I was awarded the Pavel Sillinger Prize of Slovak Botanical Society. |
Jaromír KučeraI am a scientist employed at the Institute of Botany of Plants Sciences and Biodiversity Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, the Slovak Republic, where I obtained a Ph.D. degree addressed taxonomic and evolutionary aspects of selected groups of the genus Cardamine in the Mediterranean area. I am interested in phylogeny, taxonomy, phylogeography, systematics, and biodiversity conservation of the vascular plants, lichens, and fungi from central Europe and the Mediterranean regions. The studied model groups include several genera and families of vascular plants: Cardamine (Brassicaceae), Cyclamen (Primulaceae), Cyanus (Asteraceae), Daphne (Thymelaeaceae), Picris (Asteraceae), Senecio (Asteraceae), Sesleria (Poaceae), Soldanella (Primulaceae), Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae), Symphiotrichum (Asteraceae), Viola (Violaceae) and members of the family Orchidaceae. Lichens and fungi which I have been interested in belong to genera Solenopsora, Taphrina, and Geoglossum. Currently, my research interest focuses on the evolution and biogeography of diploid members of the genus Cardamine in the Caucasus and Near East, on taxonomy and evolution of the genus Sesleria in Europe, and taxonomy, hybridization of members of the family Orchidaceae in the Western Carpathians and adjacent areas. From 2018 In am collaborate on conservation programs of critically endangered species Himantoglossum jankae and Ophrys sphecodes from the family Orchidaceae. Since 2006 till present, I am a coordinator of the ex situ conservation project of vascular plants in Slovakia: seed collection and seed banking within the international multilateral Millennium Seed Bank Project lead by Royal Botanical Gardens Kew. This project was in 2018 extended to the whole Carpathians, where I am together with Dr. Marek Slovák a coordinator of this international multilateral project under the name ‘Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian region’ belonging under the worldwide plant seed conservation initiative of the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership (MSBP) run by the Royal Botanical gardens, KEW (UK). If you are interested in more information about my work and publications see also: |